Saturday, July 11, 2009

Our 1st Girls Night

Last night we had our first PDX Girls Night! Thanks to Zhipi for hosting & providing such a yummy spread. :) I had a great time and can't wait to do it again!

For those of you new to the Girls Night (GN) concept, in California we met up every week and rotated through each other's houses. If someone was not up to hosting or they felt like their house was too far away, they would plan a movie night or dinner out or both. I know that meeting once a week is probably too much for us mommy types, but I was hoping we could start a every 2 or 3 week rotation and gradually give everyone the chance to host.

I was thinking of August 7 and 28 for the next 2 Girls Nights, how do those dates work for you guys? Also, who would like to host? Leave a comment and let me know!

I'd like to make us all administrators of this blog, so that we can all post to it and communicate that way. We can even use it to set up play dates, shopping or lunches out, with each other in between GN's. If you want to know what's going on, just check the blog. That way we don't have to send a bunch of emails back and forth throughout the group with reply alls and all that drama. :) Your inbox will thank me!

I'm looking forward to getting to know all of you better, see you soon!
